Eligibility for Services

People who live in Wayne County and meet the criteria listed in the Michigan Mental Health Code for persons with a developmental disability are eligible for services and supports. The Code describes a developmental disability as a severe, chronic condition that is due to a mental or physical impairment or combination of impairments. These impairments must occur before the age of 22, be likely to continue forever and seriously limit you, or not allow you to do things in three or more of the following activities:

How to Access Services for Individuals – Birth to Six Years

For children up to age six, call CLS Customer Services at 734-722-6364 during normal business hours to schedule an Intake appointment. At the appointment, an Intake Representative will meet with the child and their family members. During this meeting, natural supports are identified, required forms are signed, emergency needs are identified, Medicaid eligibility is discussed and eligibility for services is determined. If the child is found eligible for services, the Intake Representative will contact the Detroit Wayne Centralized Access Center and facilitate enrollment with CLS.

How to Access Services for Individuals-Age Six and Older

A person has to enroll with the DWMHA to receive services from any Wayne County Mental Health Provider including Community Living Services. For people, six years and older, this is done by contacting the Centralized Access Center at 1-800-241-4949, or TDD: (866) 870-2599. The Centralized Access Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At that time, a clinical screening will be completed to determine if the person is eligible for an Intake appointment. If a person is eligible, an appointment will be scheduled with the provider of choice within 14 days. If the person is not eligible for an Intake appointment, they will be referred to another organization that may assist them.

CLS does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sexual identity, or gender

Free interpreter services are available. If special accommodations are needed to acquire services, please contact CLS Customer Services at 734-722-6364